- you can call me shuel or remi
- she/her
- minor
- id/(broken) eng/jp (still learning)
- sometimes i draw
- i like to do voice acting but meh it's not that good

- on air! (yuuna & arata)
- idolish7 (ymt & okzk shachou)
- uniteup! (gakuto, homare, & fuuga)
- high card (leo)
- hundred note (sento & yuito)
- b-project (knt & momo)
- idoly pride (i love all liznoir members but mostly rio)
- vazzrock (yuuma, sho, & ouka)
- fragaria memories (arupek & myunna)
- seiyuu/idol/yakusha (enojun, horieru, bashiko, ss tsbs, masa, shimomae, sakata ryuuichiro, hatasu, takuchan, 8p, unify, iβ˜†ris, sparqlew & sphere)
- sidem (momo)
- dear vocalist (judah)
- pripara + prrl (i like all the main chara)
- kinpri (taiga & kakeru)
- aoppella!? (luka & sui)
- fromargonavis (reon)
- helios rising heroes (siams)
and others.. (there's too many lol)

- keyboard smash goes brrr
- sometimes i use harshwords
- i do yume with some of my oshi but i only talk abt it in my yume acc (@dreampafe)
- please don't call me with "kak" pas udah mutualan. kecuali kalo konteksnya bercanda (cth: "aku tuh ga bucin ya kack πŸ₯°")
- i'm fine with any ships (more like idgaf who you ship)
- i ship yuuna x any maisy member, rikkasawa, rikkayuu & sawayuu for oa!
gakuyama, yamamitsu, & yamamina for i7
(all of them is πŸ”πŸ†—)

- hate my favs (aslinya gpp asalkan ga hatespeech langsung di tl atau depan aku :])
- racist and problematic
- can't respect other
- fiction = reality
- think that liking hetero ship = homophobic and vice versa